You must be an enrolled patient of the SAFHT Affiliated Physicians.
Ask your family doctor to fax us a referral letter to 416-690-5182. If your family doctor is not a part of the Scarborough Academic Family Health Team, then please have them complete the appropriate referral form that can be found here.
Yes we offer in person sessions. Clinicians are available on certain days at certain locations. If you would like an in person session please ask your clinician or the admin to find out when an in person session is available.
Video sessions are available. Please speak with your clincian to find out how to arrange this.
Yes we offer phone sessions.
If you would like to sign up for a group please complete this form. If the group is not currently running you will be added to the waitlist and you will be notified when the group will be run again.
If you would like to refer your patient to one of our clinicians, please complete the appropriate referral form which can be found here and fax it back to the number listed on the form.
If you are located in Ontario, you can self-refer to our groups. Please register by completing the following form. If you would like to be referred to one of our dietitians or mental health clinicians and you live in Ontario, please have your doctor complete the appropriate referral form.
For information about our privacy rules and your health record please go to the following page.
If you have a complaint about any of the services that you have received from the Scarborough Academic Family Health Team clinicians please contact our Executive Director, Nicholas Joachimides at 416-690-5180. If you have a complaint about your family doctor please contact their office directly.
Please click here for more information.
If you would like a copy of your health record please contact your doctor’s office and make a formal request. Please click here for more information.
The Scarborough Academic Family Health Team has recently started using OceanMD. This is a way for your health care provider to send you seure information. For more information about OceanMD please see https://www.oceanmd.com/patients-guide-to-ocean/ or conat the Scarboroug Academic Family Health Team at 416-690-5180.